Call for Paper

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET) is an open access journal that provides very rapid publication of articles in all areas of the subject. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific & engineering excellence. 

Areas Covered: Engineering,Science,Technology( Multidisciplinary)

Call for Paper - Volume 11, Issue 07- July 2024

  Submission Last date

  31- July- 2024

  Initial Online Submission

 Click Here to Submit

  Submit Via Email

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  Final Online Submission

 Final Submission 

(Only Accepted Papers)

Last Date for Payment :    03- July-2024(for current issue)

(Later Payment also accepted but article will appear in Next Issue)

 Type of Articles Invited :

  • Research Papers
  • Survey Papers
  • Informative Article
  • Case Studies
  • Review Papers
  • Comparative Studies
  • Dissertation Chapters
  • Research Proposals or Synopsis
  • B.E / B.Tech /M.E / M.Tech / M.Phil / PhD Thesis


Scientific Journal Impact Factor : 7.529 for the year 2020 (verify here

Characteristics evaluated criteria


Scientific Journal Impact Factor : 7.34 for the year 2019 (verify here

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor : 7.211 for the year 2018 (verify here

Click here to know the Evaluation methodologyimpactfactor2018

Scientific Journal Impact Factor : 6.171 for the year 2017 (verify here)

IRJET impactFactor 2017

Scientific Journal Impact Factor : 5.181 for the year 2016 (verify here)  

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor : 5.181 for the year 2016   (verify here)



I20R Publication Impact Factor : 3.215 for the year 2015
IRJET Impact factor

Scientific Journal Impact Factor : 3.563 for the year 2014 

SJIF 2014
I20R Publication Impact Factor : 2.518 for the year 2014


ISRA Journal Impact Factor : 1.339 for the year 2015 

IRJET Impact factor ISRA 15

IRJET received ISO 9001:2008 fot it's Quality Management System



* Note: The impact factor (IF) of a journal is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in the journal,books, patent document, thesis, project reports, news papers, conference/ seminar proceedings, documents published in internet, notes and any other approved documents